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Officials must not betray citizens by indulging in graft: governor

Foto: Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo during the 72nd anniversary ceremony of Central Java province in Semarang on Monday, August 15, 2022. (Humas Pemprov Jateng)
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Oleh : Rr. Anne Marie Heidija

Semarang, Kilas Warta -- Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo has asked officials from the provincial and regional governments of the 35 districts and cities in the province to not betray the people by indulging in corrupt practices to reap wealth.

"My message is, in the midst of everything which was supposed to be happy, there is an incident that will surely irritate the people," the governor said during the 72nd anniversary ceremony of Central Java Province in Semarang on Monday.

"(For instance) What is happening in Pemalang; at the same time, we remind all regional governments, including us reminding ourselves, stop all the terrible practices of buying and selling positions that are heard everywhere; thus, I remind you to stop or be arrested," he added.

The practice of corruption is a betrayal of the hard work of the poor, he said.

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The governor then recounted the story of garlic farmers in Tegal district who fought to continue planting their garlic crop even though their product was considered inferior to imported garlic.

He said that such a spirit must be adopted, and it must also serve as a reminder to officials that their position was, in truth, a tool to help them serve the people.

"I was touched when I heard the story of the garlic farmers in Tegal District. For years, (their products) were beaten up by imported garlic, but they did not give up. If our farmers dare to fight all-out, it is a big sin for us to just remain still," he said.

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Berita ini telah ditayangkan di website dengan judul Officials must not betray citizens by indulging in graft: governor.

Halaman :

Kata Kunci : Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo during the 72nd anniversary ceremony of Central Java province


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